① In the app, 12 to 13 different previous fingerprints are printed on the card every day as of 24 hours.② All previous fingerprints of the app are composed of correct fingerprints③ You can move to the next previous fingerprint by swiping the card left or right.④ Long-click the card to permanently store the fingerprint in the DB.⑤ If the previously submitted fingerprint is long, you can view it in a dialog format by clicking the card briefly.⑥ If you swipe up on "My Memorized Note" at the bottom of the card, you can see all the saved fingerprints.⑦ You can delete each fingerprint from the DB by long-clicking on each fingerprint in “My Memorized Note” at the bottom of the card.⑧ No content is stored in the terminal and all fingerprints are stored in a remote location